Monday, September 20, 2010



I'm sorry to say one of my little friends has passed away. Winston, a very gentlemanly beagle, is no longer with us. I'm currently sitting his brother Toby, who seems sad and lost without Winston for companionship. The human family is sad too. They had Winston since a puppy, and you know how upsetting it is when a member of the family dies. Toby, an occasionally nervous fellow from a beagle rescue, felt more secure with the emotional support of his friend. 

When I think of Winston, I remember him slipping and rolling down the hill behind his home . It's a VERY steep hill. He was already about fourteen, and walked in a stiff-legged old man shuffle. There he was, legs in the air, radiating a aura of finality. I thought he was dead! To my relief, he righted himself and tottered off holding his remaining dignity intact. Applause was required. 

He will be missed.



lifeshighway said...

Good passage Winston.

Love your fall decor.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about the loss of your pal, Winston. He looked like a great guy, and I am sure he is settling in happily at Rainbow Bridge.

You might be interested in sharing this with your readers: it is the new book about what happened to Michael Vick's dogs called The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick’s Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Jim Gorant.

Here is a link: